After the debut of the reality series that showcases the lives of Asians in Los Angeles, Anna Shay quickly gained a devoted fan following. Among the glimpses of Anna’s life, viewers became intrigued by her son, Kenny, whose given name is Kenneth Kemp.
Residing in the prestigious neighborhood of Beverly Hills, California, Kenny Kemp is the only son of Anna Shay. At 27 years old, he has gained attention for his notable collection of high-value glass pipes and bongs, earning him the moniker of a “passionate stoner.”
Despite speculation, it has been reported that Kenny is not involved in the marijuana industry and has lawfully acquired his collection of bongs, which is valued at around $500,000. These prized possessions are safely stored in a vault located within his mother’s luxurious Beverly Hills residence.
Kenny Kemp Wife: Is Kenny Kemp Married?
As of now, Kenny Kemp is not married. He is in a long-term relationship with Nikki Trivino, a native of Los Angeles. According to his Facebook profile, they have been dating for ten years.